16 AUGUST 1884, Page 1

The seizure of Kelung, in Formosa, by Admiral Cotirbet, was

probably predetermined, and one real motive of the heavy French demand on China. We doubt if the place will ever be given up, for its possession alters the position of the French throughout Asia. Their Ministry of Marine, which controls all details of their Colonial policy, has been hampered and vexed for years by the want of coal in Asiatic waters, all mines being in English or Chinese hands. Admiral Conrbet has now seized the finest coal mines in Asia, on an island which a maritime Power like France can easily protect, and has thus doubled at a stroke the resources of his country for naval action in the whole region east of Suez. The prize is so vast that we may rest assured France will never surrender it, even if the Chinese pay their indemnity. With Kelung she can easily keep a powerful steam navy in Chinese waters, and exercise increased influence as far South as Australia, which will find herself directly concerned in this new acquisition.