16 AUGUST 1884, page 2

Mr. Gladstone Replied That So Far As He Could Judge,

Sir Staf- ford .Northcote, though he professed his desire that our occupa- tion of Egypt should not be permanent, really desired a per- manent occupation; for he had argued that......

In The Discussion That Followed, Sir Robert:peel Took A...

part, declaring everything the Government had done a failure, Sir E. Baring " an undoubted failure," and assuring the Prime Minister that if he wanted an independent report on......

Lord Randolph Churchill's Speech Contained One Or Two...

such as this,—" The careering conferences of Mr. Morley and the childish screams of Mr. Jesse Collings ;" but the following was the best of these phrases,—" We know," he said,......

Mr. Mundella Received Last Saturday In Manchester A...

to the successful efforts which he made twelve years ago to reduce the hours of labour in factories, and to increase the age at which children's labour should be admissible. The......

But The Conservative Meeting At Manchester Was Far More...

in its bearing on Conservative strategy than as a popular demonstration. Lord Salisbury, elated by the numbers to which he spoke, and strong in the democratic Toryism of his......

Mr. Childers Replied,—again With Great Effect. Lord...

all that Mr. Childers had done, but had specified nothing except the Coinage Bill, which was withdrawn with a number of other Bills solely because an Autumn Session was needful.......

The Great Conservative Demonstration At Manchester Came...

with very tolerable success. The Manchester papers all agree that in the Hall of the Pomona Gardens there was nothing like the number present at the Liberal demonstration; but......

On Tuesday Lord Randolph Churchill Took Up The Running In

an attempt to review the Session a la Lyndhurst, and made even a worse figure than Sir Robert Peel,—which is saying a good deal. He made Mr. Childers the special subject of......