16 DECEMBER 1955, Page 30


ACROSS I He gets doubled up in a scrum (6).

4 'Sent back Unity, —, Assyrian, (Sgt) ). rmcock and Golden Gain' (Kipling)

10 The Scotsman claims his seat on the beach (7).

11 Pussy taking exercise on the bridge (3-4).

12 I return our food to the French (10).

13 A most unlikely salutation for Miss Beale's associate (4).

15 It is after six balls (7).

17 How long does the work continue? (7) 19 Any help to treat the clues with it? (7) 21 Strict to the last penny (7). 23 An excellent flower (4).

24 Christopher sounds angry at starting the alphabet (5-5).

27 Wherein the brakeman may be 'cabin'd, cribb'd, confin'd'(7).

28 The soul of an advertisement, according to Dr. Johnson (7).

29 Freshly discovered, but nowhere to land (8).

30 Ho! maid, you're wanted in Hamp- shire (6). DOWN 1 A second has nothing on us, important though it be (9).

2 He thinks he's well out of it (7).

3 All there? (10) 5 Care least in tears (9).

6 Correct procedure, we hear (4).

7 The air is full of difficulty (7).

8 'The long light shakes across the — (Tennyson) (5).

9 The dame's on the go, but her get-up's wrong (4).

14 Five take ethereal juice when clothed about (10).

16 A bunch of Nepeta and rue (9).

18 Finish, so turn up and wave (9). 20 Protracted obeisance is killing (7).

22 Given to castling? (7) 23 It's in here the ape can find the nut (5).

25 Rising springs (4).

26 Little company for the doctor on the lake (4).

Two prizes will be awarded: a copy of the De Luxe edition of Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary and a book token for one guinea. They will be uwarded to the senders of the first two correct solutions opened after noon on December 28 and addressed: Crossword No. 865, 99 Gower St., London, WCI.

Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary, New Version, is recommended for Crosswords.