16 DECEMBER 1955, page 16

Sir,—i Like To Think Of Mr. Wain 'battering His Nauseated

way' through Kim and Puck of Pook's Hill through 'an habitation enforced' and `friendly brook.' I wonder what Mr. Wain does call good stories. He is shocked by the protection of......

Political Definitions Sir,—i Submit That The Time Has...

add a new word to our political vocabulary, the use of which may be illustrated by the follow- ing conjugation : 1 am an Astorite, Thou art a Witch Hunter, He, she or it is......

`russian Holiday'

SIR, — Mr. Chappelow's wide-ranging attack merits a reply on the two points where it makes some contact with the review that provoked it. Soviet food statistics are a very......


SIR,—Many of your readers will wish that Mr. John Wain, in his article, 'A Bruising Ex- perience,' had said more about Kipling's poetry. He mentioned the 'jingles' interspersed......

Letters To The Editor

Cyprus Lord Stanley of Alderley The Russian Visit E. F. G. Haig `Russian Holiday' J. E. M. Arden Kipling Adm. Sir W M. James, H. S. W. Edwards Political Definitions David......

Sir,—i Am Doubtless One Of Many Who Must Disagree With

your view that the invitation to the Russian leaders to visit Britain in April should stand. Since these leaders have gone out of their way to slander the dead as well as the......


Sir,—i Am Grateful For Mr, Watson's Interest- Ing Review Of

my book on Charlotte Brontë, Passionate Search. On one point I feel that 1 have been misunderstood. In writing of Emily's 'coming to terms' with life I meant this as applying......