16 MARCH 1912, Page 17


THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—Some of your readers will be interested to learn that the'- appeal made in your 'columns in behalf of Dennis Leahy, the taxi-driver, has resulted in a subscription of 227 14s. 1d, seal by seventy-nine subscribers from all parts 'of the British Isles and from the Continent. And with the subscriptions came many kindly messages Our thanks are further due to the Spectator for allowing Leahy, with his wife and child, to attend at the office of the paper and there to learn from Mr. Strachey what had been. done. No reward had been expected, and the news came aa a great surprise to Leahy and his wife. I have written to each donor who sent an address, but some' of the contributioni were anonymous. I am asked by Leahy to express his great gratitude to the Spectator and to all who have thus shown their appreciation of his act.—I am, Sir, &c., FLORENCE M. DOWNES.

106 Elm Park Gardens, S.W.

P.S.—A few subscriptions still continue to tome in from .distant sources and will be aoknowledged by me on Leaby's behalf.