16 MARCH 1912, page 2

We Feel Bound To Express Our Deep Regret That The

Times should have given so much prominence to the venomous and monstrously unjust attacks on Mr. Roosevelt made by the writer who signs himself "An American Exile." We shall not......

As We Have Often Felt Compelled To Criticise Mr. Asquith's

action, we desire hero to express our belief that throughout the coal crisis he has acted with a moderation, tact, and good sense which does him the highest credit and fully......

Before We Leave The Subject Of The Strike It Is

worth point- ing out that the storage of coal which took place before the closing of the mines, and the economy in its use which has been made since, have placed the nation in a......

On Thursday Week In The United States Senate The Anglo-

American and Anglo-French Arbitration Treaties were amended in such a way as to be deprived of all their peculiar purpose. Clause III., which provides (in ease of disagreement......

The Final Question Is : Will Mr. Asquith, In The

last resort, show the firmness and the power to give that last tug on the rope which is the essential of statesmanship ? For one man who can give the last pull there are......

When We Look At The Matter From This Point Of

views we must recognize that if the miners will not yield, all that remains is for the Government to choose the moment when they can intervene most effectively. Naturally enough......

Allied To The Possibilities We Have Just Stated Is The

fact that, though the Government have wisely refused to do any- thing which could be represented as a throat, they recognize that they have great responsibilities in the matter.......

On Thursday Morning An Attempt Was Made Upon The Life

of the King of Italy. The King and Queen were driving to the Pantheon to attend a service in memory of King Humbert's birthday when a man concealed behind the pillar of a house......

Descending From General To Particular Abuse, "american...

make out that Mr. Roosevelt denounced and. finally destroyed the proposed Anglo-American Arbitration Treaty. Mr. Roosevelt did nothing of the kind. In an article in the Outlook......

It Must Not Be Forgotten That By No Means All

the men capable of hewing coal in the country are in the unions or under union influences. There are literally thousands of men who are not now miners but who have at some time......