16 NOVEMBER 1878, Page 23

NEW Einnotes.—Lyrics of Light and Life, edited by the Rev.

F. G. Lee, D.C.L. (Pickering.)—This is a collection of fifty-four original poems by a number of authors, living and dead, among whom may be mentioned, as some of the more conspicuous names, Dr. John U. New- man, the Bishop of Derry, Miss Christina Rossetti, and Mr. Aubroy do Yore. The first edition was published four years ago. Dr. Newman's contribution dates back nearly sixty years, having been written when ho was undergraduate of the College which has now enrolled him amongst its Fellows. Wq, quote Miss Rossetti's contribution, "A Rose Plant in Jericho :"—

e At morn I plucked a rose and gave it Thee,

A rose of joy and happy lave and peace, A rose with scarce a thorn: But In the chillness of a second morn

My rose-bush drooped, and all its gay Increase

Was but one thorn that wounded me.

I plucked the thorn and offered it to Thee;

And fur my thorn Thou gayest love and peace, Not joy this mortal morn : If Thou host given much treasure for a thorn, Wilt Thou not give me for my rose increase Of gladness, and all sweets to me ?

My thorny rose, my love and pain, to Thee

I offer; and 1 set my heart in peace,

And rest upon my thorn:

For verily I think to-morrow morn Shall bring me Paradise, my gift's increase, Yes, give Thy very Self to me."

—We have also to acknowledge The Collected Poona of John Dryden Cotbet. 2 vols. (Provost and Co.)—The Wreck of the 'Grosvenor,' by W. Clark Russell (Sampson Low and Co.), a powerful sea-story, appears in " a third and cheaper edition." We note in it a statement of which wo are very curious to know tho value, that the chances are strongly against any ship, unless it be American or English, standing by to help a vessel in distress.--Paper, Pens, and Ink. By Daniel Frazer. (Bryce and Son.)—A little book containing a brief sketch of the principal writing materials used in all ages.—Mrs. Alfred Gatty's Parables front .Nature, which is issued by Messrs. Boll and Sons, in a beautifully printed and bound pocket edition.—The same pub- lishers also send us an equally neat and well-printed pocket edition of Captain Marryat's Masterman Ready, just the size books of this nature intended for boys should be.—Felix Holt, Volume II. (Blackwood and Sons). This is the latest addition to the well got-up cabinet edi- tion of George Eliot's works now being issued.