16 NOVEMBER 1878, page 15


QUESTION AND ANSWER. A.—What is the good and what is the bad ? Where is the perfectly true ? What is the end you live for, my lad ? And what, may I ask, are you ? Unproven, I......


THE GOVERNMENT OF M. TRIERS.• [SECOND NOTICE.] WITH that marvellous activity which constituted so conspicuous a feature in his nature, M. Thiers started from Bordeaux the very......

Freedom Of Worship.

[TO THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] SIR,—In your article on " The Ecclesiastical Fracas," you/ remark, " All that the more reasonable or the more indifferent public of the......

Irish Ballad.

[Air,—" The Foggy Dew."] On ! a wan cloud was drawn .O'er the dim, weeping dawn, As to Shannon's side I returned at last; And the heart in my breast For the girl I loved best......