16 NOVEMBER 1912, Page 12

The Trinity Foot Beagles. Compiled by Rev. F. C. Kempson.

(E. Arnold. 10s. 6d. net.)—Mr. Kempson has compiled adisenrsive and most cheerful volume. He describes it well as an 'informal record of Cambridge sport and sportsmen during the last fifty years." There is too much that is personal in it for general consumption, but it will make an excellent present for Cambridge men, not only followers of the Trinity Foot Beagles, to give to one another, and no one will read it without finding mention of names known in other spheres of life. At the beginning the editor discusses with tolerance the differences between young barbarians at play and young Philistines, and refers to the discussions in the Spectator and elsewhere over the Eton Beagles.. Naturally he upholds the value of sport in a general education. There are some photographs and innumerable amateur sketches and caricatures.