16 NOVEMBER 1912, page 29

Public-school Boys And The National Reserve.

[To THE EDITOR Or THE " SPECTATOR:9 Sig,—Re your letter in the Daily Mail about the National Reserve. What are you doing for fellows in my position ? I am twenty-one years old,......

Medical Benefits Under The Insurance Act.

[To THE EDITOR or THE "SPECTATOZ:] SIB, — Probably most people, if they think about it at all, believe that the struggle which is now taking place between the medical profession......

The Police And National Defence.

rTO THE EDITOR OF TRH "SPECTATOR:] SIR,—Your appeal to the nation to increase ,the numbers of the National Reserve must appeal to all who have the safety of the nation at heart.......

Red Cross Training For Women.

LTO THE EDITOR OF TIM " SPECTATOL"] SIE,—In answer to a question raised in your issue on Novem- ber 2nd as to practical work for those engaged in Red Cross work, may I tell of......

[to The Editor Or The "spectator:9

SIE,—I have often thought it a pity that ex-police officers were not eligible for enrolment in the National Reserve, and having read your letter in the Ongar Gazette I should......