16 OCTOBER 1982, Page 20

Naked decision

Sir: Ms Molly Parkin's objection to the references to her in a recent article in the Spectator by Mr Richard West (Letters, 9 October) makes strange reading when we consider the article on Miss Linda Lovelace in Ms Parkin's book Good Golly Ms Molly. If Ms Parkin felt Miss Lovelace to be 'a vulnerable victim of exploitation', the arti- cle does not seem to give any indication of this. Another article in the same book, en- titled 'The Naked Truth', mentions how she left to her daughters (14 and 17 years of age) the decision as to whether they should appear naked in the magazine Men Only. We seem to be faced with contradictory views here.

Perhaps, since the book was published in 1978, Ms Parkin has had a Damascus Road experience about pornography. Or perhaps she dislikes the fact that Mr West has given her the most uncomfortable feeling, that of being hoist with one's own petard. I think we should be told.

Nigel Charlish

132 Park Lane, Carshalton, Surrey