16 OCTOBER 1982, Page 20

SDPopulism SDPopulism

Sir: Jo Grimond's call for 'a touch the of_ populism' (25 September) in SDP/Liberal Alliance message strikes t c harmonious chord with many of us in r,11, SDP. It was on just such a platform that v: Stephen Haseler received 15 per cent f tir o votes for the SDP Presidency, 11e.armY5 achieving second place to Shirley Wihtv despite not having had her and Bill Rodgers's access to publicity and the SP membership. Having had charge of the Hader presidential campaign, I was in a position I note the great strength of PnPulab democratic feeling in the SDP althottS., much of the strength was overlaid 0) Shirley's tremendous personal popularIfY,„.. Grimondites and Haselerites have a Cl' cial role to play in consolidating the Milan,. of our two parties and influencing it for su cess. I would be very glad to hear froc dLiberals and Social Democrats who ,,fiinac themselves in sympathy with a pop democratic approach: Liberal and Soo Democracy with 'a touch of populism Douglas Eden

20 Shepherds Hill, Highgate, London N6