16 SEPTEMBER 1960, Page 12

SIR,-'-May I add another disquieting revelation those in two recent

letters, one on the use of Llec tionable colouring matter to make oranges look like oranges, and the other on the labelling of aP pulp as orange? Mine deals with tampering with animals while they are alive. In face of the allegations of reputable men a veterinary surgeon and the other a farmer). I broiler calves arc deliberately caused to be ans'' in the production of 'white veal,' the MinislrY Agriculture wrote to me on August 25 that 'Nt, examinations were made of the calves used Ministry's trials, their appearance giving 'no illr',1:01 tions of deficiencies of vitamins or mineral that 'The Ministry has no exact knowledge 014i. make-up of the proprietary food Denkavit' vit is the special milk substitute imported from ' land). It is on the presumed analysis of Denkavit Ministry of Agriculture's experts that the bases its advice to members that 'there is evhscii,i, that it is not detrimental to the health of the C;1,t4 and is not conducive to anemia' (the same ettaly said of a banana), but quite apart from the of cruelty (on which I feel deeply) concern has fell expressed in the House of Commons 00 the s'1,1, to consumers of broiler products. It i; quieting that the Ministry's investigation. ha" so subjectively carried out? It may be that the Dutch authorities know the exact ingredients of Denkavit, but the news of the results of eating Planta Margarine in Holland makes one wish for a more scientific approach to imports from that country.—Yours faithfully,