16 SEPTEMBER 1960, page 4

Prospects For Pilkington

N OBODY who has studied Sir . Alan Herbert's diatribe on Royal Commissions can feel optimistic about the prospects for Pilkington- particularly after its predecessor's fate (the......

Opinion Polls

F Rom his letter in . our correspondence columns this week, it s e ems as if Dr. Durant has misunderstood Richard Rovere's recent Com- ments on the public opinion poll in the......

Holding The Ring

FT HE original object of the United Nationt intervention in the Congo was to restore order and, then, to hold the ring while tlic ordinary democratic processes began to opcsal e......

Next Week

Autumn Number , Desmond Donnelly, MP: Report from Mesh . ° Philip Oakes: Books Unprosecuted Peter Forster: rry—the first live years Alan Brien on the Dublin Dram Festivil l and......