16 SEPTEMBER 1960, Page 14



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113ii Of Of , Of SIR.—For young writers with only short stories novellas to show as evidence of their talents prospects of publication in hard covers seem to brightened considerably. Mr. Robert Lusty tator, September 9) announces the launching of Ph'r Authors Short Story I; and it seems likely that t, first volume will appear some time in 1962. BY of those coincidences which help to make publisn the fascinating and unpredictable affair it is, WC It a rather similar idea here about eighteen moat; ago. We wrote then to a number of young voriteo whose work in undergraduate magazines and


periodicals had particularly impressed us, inviti them to submit stories for inclusion in a 1°11,,t coming anthology; and we warned them that brl total number of acceptances would be small. we were anxious that each contributor should represented by enough stories to enable readersiii, make some assessment, however provisional, talents and potentialities. The response„to our lett'; confirms all that Mr. Lusty says about the ti diminished creative energy of young writers tdt13 and we are looking forward to the publication 01° anthology. Introduction, on October 11. Less, rigidly Commonwealth-minded than Lusty, we have included one American 10,t rit Scholar who recently spent two years at Less certain in advance about what shape the t1,0., should take, we made no decision at the start how many authors should be included and Ile in fact settled for six, represented by three St') each. Less, draconian about exclusion, we ha", eluded stories by one author who has alreadY a considerable reputation in another field, the Ted Hughes. But Introduction—which will, we °Iry have many successors under our imprint—h11, same general aim and purpose as New Authors I Story I: the discovery and encouragement 01 novelists of the future.—Yours faithfully, Hit R5,11.,EisanntowN Faber and Faber Limited, 24 RIISAt.e.