17 APRIL 1926, Page 15


[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.]

SIR,—I have just read the article in the current number of the Spectator, entitled " The Industrial Christian Fellowship:, The writer seems surprised at there being hostility to this organization, but I think it is not to be wondered at, as the Chief Messenger is the Rev. G. Studdert Kennedy, who, on Armistice Day, 1921, caused great distress to many of his hearers at a public meeting by stating that the men who fought and died for us were all mad. When asked to retract this insult to our dead he replied that the words were " deliber- ately meant to strike a blow at the very heart of our national patriotism." I would advise the writer of the article to procure a pamphlet, entitled The Socialist Movement and Christianity, by M. I. Nutt Mackenzie. Price 8d. Published by the National Constitution Defence Movement, 25 Victoria Street, S.W. 1.—I am, Sir, &c.,

Altharn, Denmark Road, Guildford. LOUISA WITHINGTON.