17 APRIL 1926, page 1

The Principal Fact For Everybody To Bear In Mind Is

that a fight would settle nothing whatever. The issue stands by itself and has no. precedents. There is always a tactical arguinent for a strike when the workers think that they......

Newts Of The Week

A LTHOUGH the Coal negotiations are almost at a deadlock when we write these words the situation is probably better than it seems. The miners have not • rejected the Report and......

The Owners, For Their Part, Made A Mistake, We Think,

in not placing before the miners' Executive a brief state- , ment explaining exactly what they suggested on the subject of wages. The Prime Minister had announced that an......

On The Whole, However, We Are Sure That The Leaders

are not in any doubt as to what the results of rejecting the Report would be. The Industrial Committee of the Trade Union Congress, which is in constant touch with the miners'-......

On Tuesday The Men's Leaders Issued Their Answer To The

owners' statement. They are evidently not opposed to the general scheme of reconstruction recommended by the Commission, but they condemn the proposal to compensate the present......

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London, W.C. 2. — A Subscription to the "Spectator" costa Thirty ,Shillings per annum, including postage, to any part of the world. 'Registered as a Newspaper. The Postage on......