17 APRIL 2004, Page 28

Sad, sad, sad

From Herb Greer Sir: Mark Steyn ('Murderous rhetoric', 10 April) is right on the money about the anti-Bush hatred which infects the Democratic party like a sort of metastasising melanoma. Those with an interest in such things might cast an eye towards this side of the Atlantic, where something similar can be found among presenters and reporters for BBC television and Channel 4 news. These people are effectively functioning as a British branch of the Democratic party's anti-Bush campaign, while taking every opportunity to hype the ridiculously multimouthed Kerry.

Over Iraq none of them has quite descended to the dismissal of the butchered bodies at Fallujah with 'Screw 'em', but they come close with an ill-concealed schadenfreude that drips out of their reporting of American military casualties in Iraq — and (in the case of the BBC in particular) constant and lip-licking exaggeration of those casualties. Jon Snow and other presenters join the game with smirking (and mendacious) comparisons to Vietnam, while giving pride of place to the fatuous waffle of the mentally obese Chappaquidick kid, Edward Kennedy. All very amusing, if you fancy a diet of emetics. But if you have hopes for serious journalism from the British media, it is sad, sad, sad.

Herb Greer
