17 DECEMBER 1921, Page 22



" EAT'HARINE TYNAN " has the art of writing modern fairy tales. Bitlea's Wonderful Year (Milford, Os. net) is a capital example of her skill. The pretty young girl from- the West of Ireland, who comes with her invalid father to earn her living in London by arranging the flowers at balls and dinners, is as successful as if she had gone to Fairyland. She is befriended by a Duke and at least two Duchesses and many other charming people. Even the unsympathetic aunt repents in the end, and the Congested Districts Board buys what seems to be a derelict estate for £100,000. We must confess that it is pleasant for once to see the optimists getting the best of it in fiction, and we are sure that all young girls will be delighted with this engaging and cheerful story.—Martin Pippin in the Apple-Orchard, by Eleanor Farjeon (Collins, 7s. 6d. net), is a set of six romantic tales of old Sussex with a prologue, interludes and an epilogue recalling the shepherds and milk- maids of the Golden Age. It is a pretty piece of sentiment.