17 DECEMBER 1921, page 1

Parliament Was Reopened By The King On Wednesday. His...

speech was very short, merely pointing out that Parliament had been summoned at this unusual time exclusively to consider the Irish settlement. " It was with heartfelt joy that......

Late On Thursday Evening, December 8th, Mr. De Valera Caused

a great sensation by publishing a statement unfavourable to the Settlement. It was addressed To the Irish People." " You have seen in the publics press," he wrote, " the text of......

Three Great Difficulties Had Been National Defence, The...

and the religious differences in Ireland. Happily, there had been a complete acceptance of allegiance to the British Empire. The pledges to Ulster had been kept, but those......

On Friday, December 9th, Sir James Craig, The Ulster Prime

Minister, had a conference with Mr. Lloyd George and other members of the Cabinet, at which the discussion turned on the proposed Boundary Commission and the possibility of......

News Of The Week.

IN the presence of such signal events as the triumph of the Washington Conference and the prospect of peace in Ireland, public feeling has been at as high a pitch as it was at......

On Monday, Mr. De Valera Issued A Further Statement, In

which he expressed the opinion that Ireland was " not in honour bound " by the fact that Sinn Fein plenipotentiaries had signed the Treaty. He compared his position with that of......

To Our Readers.

Readers ' experiencing difficulty in obtaining the " Spectator " regularly and promptly through the aboli- tion of the Sunday post or other causes should become yearly......