17 DECEMBER 1937, Page 18

[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] SIR,—Although I disagree with

many of your views, par- ticularly with that egregious League of Nations, of which I think you approve and which I have always thought from the start (and which I now think has proved itself to be) the greatest danger to the peace of the world 'ever invented, I heartily agree with the article in your issue of November 26th under the heading of " The Voice of Under Thirty—WI." I am an old bigoted mediaeval Tory aged 66 ; the article in question expresses my ideas entirely. Perhaps the fact that the views of the Tory aged 27 agree so exactly with the Tory aged 66 proves that there is some consistency in the Tory attitude !—Yours faithfully, H. FLEETWOOD HESKETH.

Cavalry Club, 127 Piccadilly, W. r.