17 DECEMBER 1937, page 34

Equities As Investments For The First Indications Of The...

trend of trade investors will continue to watch the United States and the commodity markets. So far, the Washington Administration has been content to throw certain crumbs of......

Wise Investment

HAVING ceased to be the scene of any great activity in stocks and shares Throgmorton Street has become a vast and'rather noisy debating society. The main item on the agenda is,......

A Prior Charge Group If Money Does Get Dearer And

fixed-interest stocks beconie correspondingly cheaper, it will obviously not be the fault of the British Treasury. There' is nothing wickedly infla- tionary in official policy;......

Venturers' Corner -

A few months ago I outlined the merits of the 3s. 4d. shares of Kern River Oilfields as a speculation on the strength of Certain impending developments. The price was then 5s.......

Gold Share Prospects

Many readers have inquired whether I approve of leading Kaffir shares, such as Crowns, Sub Nigels and Weit Rands, as suitable investments for their dividend yields ? The answer......