17 JUNE 1871, Page 1


L11 ILE has occurred in France this week, attention being ab- sorbed bythe forthcoming elections, to be held on 2nd July. No less than 120 seats are vacant, and as they are distributed all over Yrance,they will offei some indication of public opinion. It is believed that the majority will be Republicans of the Thiers' stamp, but it is asserted that 30 Bonapartists, including M. Ronher and M. Cle- -ment Duvernois, will be returned, and a good many Monarchists are certain of election. The International also has issued an address to Paris, accepting the responsibility of the fires, declaring that modern society shall perish, and calling on the Communists to vote unanimously for their candidates. It is more probable that they will abstain, as candidates of their colour would for the present be marked men, and then °demists will be returned.