17 JUNE 1871, page 2

The 16th June Is The Day Fixed For The Triumphal

entry of the Prussian Guards into Berlin, and the 17th June for a grand review of 120,000 French troops on the Champs de Mars. The- conquerors are rejoicing. Are the conquered......

The Division List Actually Showed A Considerable Majority...

against insisting on the new test. Only the Bishops of Gloucester and Bristol (Dr. Ellicott), of Lichfield (Dr. Selwyn), and of Lincoln (Dr. Wordsworth) voted for it ; against,......

Mr. Fawcett On Tuesday Brought Forward His Threatened...

for a Royal Commission to take evidence on Indian finance- in India. His object was first to obtain evidence only obtainable' on the spot, and secondly, to give the natives a......

Lord Granville's Reply Was Suave And Self-confident. He...

Russell's tone, gave a short account of the origin of the Treaty, showing that while Great Britain proposed a joint Commission to consider reciprocally the claims of Canada and......

The Government Appears Resolved Not To Abate The Scandal...

by the condition of the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council. The Lord Chancellor stated on Thursday that he would not promise a Bill, and without a Bill no Judge can be......

The Dogs' Bill Got To Its Second Reading In The

House of Lords before any one discovered the atrocious and seemingly unbridled panic of its provisions. The Duke of Richmond, however, who, as leader of the Opposition, is a......

Earl De Grey Is To Be Rewarded For His Services

on the American High Commission by elevation to a Marquisate. As far as the service is concerned, he entirely deserves any promotion in the Peerage he may wish for, but why he......

The Oxford Commemoration This Week Appears To Have Been...

only for noise,—the gallery of undergraduates taking it into their heads to groan and hiss at a Master of Arta in a red tie. This freak was so persistent, that even on the......

Lord Derby, Of Course Preferring The Old Treaty...

himself with Mr. Reverdy Johnson and repudiated by the American Senate, yet took it upon himself to deprecate Lord Russell's ardour, and to rein in the fiery spirit of the aged......

The Treaty Of Washington Underwent An Elaborate, But Very...

criticism in the House of Lords on Monday, Lord Russell opening the debate with a sharp attack on it, more especially on the retrospective operation of the rule of International......

It Is Stated That The Government Of St. Petersburg Has

made another attempt to obtain Hammerfest, the most northerly Norwegian harbour which does not freeze up. The Swedes had claimed Spitzbergen, but the Russians say it is theirs......