17 MARCH 1860, Page 17


Mrs. Browning's POEMS BEFORE CONGRESS are rough and untunefnl., as if the singer bad grown hoarse with screaming Evviva! They begin —there are eight of them—with a preen in honour of Napoleon HI., and end with a curse, in ten stanzas, on England, pronounced by angelic command, because " A curse from the depths of womanhood Is very salt, and bitter, and good."

Mr. J. Payne Collier's REPLY TO Ma. HAMILTON, printed as a pam- phlet of 72 pages, is a revised and enlarged edition of his letter in the Athgnceum. It leaves the case pretty much as it was before, save that, in lieu of new evidence, it offers broader insinuations. He does not say that the pencil writing in the Perkins Folio was put into it at the British Museum; the thought occurs to him as a supposition,—only a suppo- sition; he puts it aside ; " other people, however, may not be so cha- ritable," and behold, a friend writes him " a note containing the follow- ing supposed address to Mr. Hamilton and his coadjutors :—' Gentlemen of the Manuscript Department, who impute fraud and forgery to Mr. Collier, what could you reply to any one who declared his suspicion that, to serve your turn, you had fabricated the pencilling on the side of the old corrector's notes and emendations ? "

The book on HUNGARY FROM 1848 TO 1860 by M. De Szemere, late Minister of the Interior, consists of seven letters addressed to Mr. Cob- den, the purpose of which is to show that the last ten years are not to be regarded as a blank in the history of Hungary, and that the time is at hand when she will no longer submit to be treated as a conquered country. Lord Brougham's Teams MATHEMATICAL AND Pnvitc.m. were writ- ten at different times between 1796 and 1858, and are dedicated to the University of Edinburgh, as having been " begun while its pupil, finished when its head." Two of them—on the Integral Calculus, and on

the Architecture of Cells of Bees are written in French, and were read before the National Institute of France in 1857 and 1858.

Two Mowras me Ararat", to 1857, is a narrative of the memorable siege by one of the eight Englishmen who so gallantly sustained it.

The characters in ONE TRIAL, a novel by H. R. C. move in the sphere of aristocratic society, and the authoress has evidently had the ad- vantage of painting them from the life. She deals fairly with their faults as with their virtues, applying to them now and then the lash of a light and not unfeminine satire. The plot is very simple, but sufficiently involved to awaken and sustain the reader's attention : it is the story of a haughty woman who has been so foolish as to conceal from her hus- band the fact of her having been in love with another man previously to her marriage ; and of the sufferings to both which arise out of the husband's accidental discovery of his wife's unworthy reticence. All ends happily ; the wife makes atonement, and the husband is forgiving. In the production of such a novel as One Trial, it is something to be life- like ; this merit H. R. C. has in no small degree.

• Boots.

_Poems before Congress. By Elizabeth Barrett Browning.

Mr. J. Payne Collier's Reply to Mr. N. E. S. A. Hamilton's " Inquiry" into the Imputed Shakespeare Forgeries.

The Book of the Princes of Wales, Heirs to the Crown of England. By Dr.

Doran, F.S.A.

A Story about Riflemen and Rifles. By Neyland Thornton.

A History of the British Sea Anemones and Corals. With coloured figures

of the species and principal varieties. By Philip Henry Goose, F.R.S.

Hungary from 1848 to 1860. By Bartholomew de Szemere, late Minister of the

Interior, and President of the Council of Ministers in Hungary.

Two Months in Arrah in 1857. By John James Halls, late Assistant-Sur-

geon at the Civil Station of Arrah.

Searchings after Truth. By a Physician.

The Poetry of Germany. A Selection from the most celebrated German Poets

of the two last Centuries. By Dr. F. Ahn.

17timate Civilization, and other Essays. By Isaac Taylor.

Say and Seal. By the Author of the " Wide Wide World." Illustrated


The Living Among the Dead. A Story Founded on Facts. By the Author of

Blenham," &c.

My Life and Adventures. 'An Autobiography. By the Author of "New

El Dorado," Sc. In two volumes.

Carious Storied Traditions of Scottish Life. By Alexander Leighton.

Pontes Classici, No. II. A Stepping-Stone from the beginning of Greek Gram-

mar to Xenophon. By the Rev. John Day Collis, M.A.


Tracts, Mathematical and Physical. By Henry Lord Brougham.

The Lady of the Manor. By Mrs. Sherwood. In four volumes.

Hemorrhoids and Prolapses of the Rectum ; their Pathology and Treatment ; with especial reference to the Application of Nitric Acid. B7 Henry Smith,


A Dictionary of Political Economy; Biographical, Bibliographical, Historical, and Practical. By Henry Donning Macleod, Esq.

The Letters of Horace Walpole, Earl of Orford. Now first chronologically arranged. Edited by Peter Cunningham. Part I.

Dictionary of Christian Churches and Sects from the Earliest Ages of Christianity. By the Rev. J. B. Marsden, M.A. Part I.