17 MARCH 1860, page 18

Parisian Theatricals.

The most recent event at the Imperial opera is the production of a new composition by Prince Joseph Poniatowski, to which MM. de Saint Georges and E. Pacini have supplied the......

Literary News.

The two concluding volumes of Mr. Thomas Carlyle's "History of Friedrich the Second of Prussia, called Frederick the Great," have just been sent to press. They will be published......

Publications Received.

Mrs. Browning's POEMS BEFORE CONGRESS are rough and untunefnl., as if the singer bad grown hoarse with screaming Evviva! They begin —there are eight of them—with a preen in......

Tot Ffiyratrrs.

When in the course of a dramatic work we learn that two young per- sons, who have been betrothed ,wIthent seeing each others faces, run away from home to avoid a matrimonial......