17 MAY 1935, Page 38

"The Spectator" Crossword No.138


[A prize of one guinea will be given to the sender of the first correct solution of the crossword puzzle to be opened. Envelopes should be marked " Crossword Puzzle," and should be received noi later than first post on Tuesday. No envelopes will be opened before noon on Tuesday. Solutions should-be on the form appearing below. The name of the winner will be published in our next issue.]


11 12 13




17 18







26 27 128

29 I 30

31 I


I 33



36 37



ACROSS 1. With Satan spread over this pro-

vince, you need both ask and chew! 9. If this city is confused you can get

by with a rest.

14. As an Indian might say, this is my morbidly tender spot.

16. River in 'West Africa.

20. A vain cad's in (sting.). 21. Part of Algiers.

22. The commencement of a state of America is 0.IC., so to speak.. 25. River connected with a post office.

27. In any city. 28. My departure from the Rhine leaves nothing to be desired_ 30. Sounds as if it might be a wide place in Jugo-Slavia.

31. A Royal Academy gain, meeting with reversal; constitutes falls. 33. An hospitable river ?

34 rev. District beloved by adventurous boys. 38. This American city is mostly an expression of grief.

39. New Jersey contains this fresh chest.


1. "and spiced dainties, every one, From silken . . . to cedar'd Lebanon."

2. A country and (if the end is put Mai a bottomless chasm, in one. 3 rev. End of 30.

4. This shire sounds as If it had free space overhead. 5.¢ of 29.

6. In Wiltshire.

7. 22's middle.

8 rev. River with famous poetic asso- ciation.

10. Famous monastery near Madrid.

11. Gave its name to an 18th c. chair. 12 rev. Here is a slight indication. 13. Be the victor.

15. Town in England's smallest county. 17. See 16.

18 rev. Go into raptures.

19. Tear quickly on for this cathedral city. 23. Nautical equivalent of a speedo- meter.

24. Approximately 35 N. Lat., 0 W. Long.

26 rev. In western Mongolia.

29. Ancient name for a British Isle. 32. Necessary for a compass.

35. Seven reversed.

36. Abbreviated state of America. 37 rev. 2L