17 MAY 1935, page 2

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Breach of Promise Cases Much publicity has been given to the breach of promise action brought against Lord Revelstoke because, as Mr. Justice Swift pointed out, it happened that......

Air-raid Drill For Civilians Last - Tuesday Paris...

of Berlin in putting the civilian population through practice defence measures against an imaginary air raid ; and - in this country also the Home Office is preparing plans for......

* * * The South African Protectorates . The'case For

immediate discussion with the • Government of the Union of South Africa regarding the transfer of the Protectorates to that Government is put at its highest in the three......

Signor Mussolini And Abyssinia The Speech Of Signor...

Abyssinia must be recognized for what it is, a speech by Signor Mussolini to his own people. The threat, a few years ago, to build Italian aeroplanes till they blotted out the......

The Dollar Exchange Mr. Morgenthau, The Secretary Of The...

Treasury, made a speech over the wireless on Monday on the American dollar whose significance is not quite plain. Whilst he asserted that America cannot contemplate......

Higher Houses The Maximum Permitted Height Of Buildings...

is at present unreasonably low, but there is danger that revision of the law may be too much in favour of the site-owner. The. Building Acts Committee of the London County......

* The Training Of Doctors • Dissatisfaction With The...

• for the training of medical men led some time ago to the calling of a con- ference of representatives of the Universities of Oxford, Cambridge and London, the Royal College of......