17 OCTOBER 1896, Page 2

We are assured, on what seems to us good authority,

that an emotion is spreading through the States of the Union which will materially affect Mr. Bryan's chances. This is an emotion of pride. His followers resist the argument from morality, alleging that to be bankrupt is not to steal, but they are aware that their opponents think the remonetisation of silver at a ratio of 16 to 1 dishonest, and this consideration galls them to the bone. Americans, they declare, shall not be described as a repudiating people. The Republican managers have been clever enough to detect the strength of this sentiment, and their orators and journalists everywhere announce that "this great nation" proposes to pay its debts in the coin expected by its creditors. It is said that this view, which appeals to American sensitiveness as regards external opinion, will carry over hundreds of thousands of votes. On the other hand, we note that Republicans are quoting old wire. pullers like Senator Quay, as if they trusted "the machine' rather than the people.