17 OCTOBER 1896, page 2

After Thus Dealing With Public Affairs, Lord Rosebery...

personal statement. It was not the attacks of the news- papers which had driven him from public life. The Armenian question was only the last straw,—" the last of a series of......

We Are Assured, On What Seems To Us Good Authority,

that an emotion is spreading through the States of the Union which will materially affect Mr. Bryan's chances. This is an emotion of pride. His followers resist the argument......

The French Government Have Refused To Extradite Tynan,...

has been released unconditionally. It is stated that the grounds for this decision were :—(1) The descrip- tion of "No. 1" does not agree with Tynan's appearance ; (2) even if......

An Absurd Rumour, Which Is Not However Quite New, Received

on Wednesday an amount of belief not very creditable to British intelligence. It was affirmed that the Government of Washington, which has grave cause of complaint against the......

The State Of Affairs In Madagascar Is Most Deplorable. The

brigand tribes, whom the Hovas kept down or bribed, finding the Hova authority destroyed, have broken loose, have be n joined by many of the Hovas who, in their rage at the......

It Is Stated That The American Venezuela Commission Is

about to report, and to report in a sense hostile to the British case. The statement is to some extent supported by the very serious view of the situation evidently entertained......

Mr. Asquith Spoke To His Constituents At Wormit On Monday

night. After affirming that Lord Rosebery's re- signation was due to no sudden resolution, he declared that the party would have to determine in course of time "not only by what......

It Is Pretty Clear That The Liberal Party As A

whole accepts Lord Rosebery's resignation with calmness, looks to Sir William Harcourt as leader in the Commons, and as regards the general leadership proposes to await......