17 OCTOBER 1896, Page 25

The Private Life of Warren Hastings. By Sir Charles Lawson.

{Swan Sonnenschein and Co.)—Sir Charles Lawson contributed an article on this subject to the Journal of Indian Art and Industry, and this he has now expanded in the volume before us. Obviously there is too much of it ; all that needs to be said about Warren Hastings, apart from his career as a statesman, could be put into a small space. In the two hundred and fifty pages of this volume there is much that is irrelevant, or with but a very slight connection with the subject. A better plan would have been to give us something less than half, and if it was thought in- expedient to publish so small a book, to give a sketch of Hastings's Indian career. There are some things interesting here, but the sum of them does not bear a proper relation to the mass of the