18 APRIL 1903, Page 23



Scottish Portraits. Edited by J. L. Caw. (T. C. and E. C. Jack. 21s.)—This portfolio of twenty-four photogravure reproductions of historical portraits has an introduction and also copious notes by the editor, who is the Curator of the Scottish National Portrait Gallery. The work when complete will consist of five numbers, of which this is the first. The portraits before us begin with James III. (d. 1488) and his wife, the maid of Norway, the Princess who possibly was the "King's daughter" whom Sir Patrick Spens was sent to bring home. These two portraits— possibly parts of an altar-piece—are supposed to be by Hugo van der Goes. The originals are now to be seen at Holyrood, and are of remarkable beauty and power. The present series extends to 1629, and includes portraits of Mary Queen of Scots, the Regent

Moray, and the Admirable Crichton. The usual uncertainty is present in portraits reaching back so far as these, doubtful tradition being in so many eases the only thing to rely on. The reproductions are very well done, and the work will be not only a help to students, but a pleasure to all lovers of historic portraits.