18 APRIL 1903, page 3

Mr. Morley's Main Topic, However, Was The Increase Of Taxa-

tion, which, he says, amounts to 232,000,000 a year within the last four years, after deducting the 28,000,000 which Mr. Ritchie is expected to remit. The National Debt has in......

We Congratulate Mr. Brodrick And Lord Roberts Most...

their determination to reduce expenditure in the Army, and to make soldierly qualities and intelligence, and not a long purse, the essential requirements for the most difficult......

The Appointment Of Mr. Arthur Elliot (membea- For Durham...

to the office of Secretary to the Treasury, rendered vacant by the resignation of Mr. Hayes Fisher, is one upon which the Government can be most heartily congratulated,— a......

Mr. Morley On Monday Delivered A Speech To His Constituents

at Montrose of great length and some force. He summed up his opinion of the Government by admitting that it displayed energy, but it was the energy of a blind horse, which was......

On Wednesday A Conference To Consider The Revival Of Irish

industries was held in Dublin, at which Mr. Pirrie dealt with the plan for providing transport facilities in rural Ireland which he and Lord Iveagh are going to carry out. He......

We Realise As Fully As Any One Can The Need

for public economy, but in spite of that we think it would be a very great mistake to starve the British Commission, and though we know that our leading manufacturers do not......

A Writer In Wednesday's Times Makes A Very Urgent Plea

that the British Government and British people should do their best to make the British exhibits at the coming St. Louis Exhibition as impressive and as attractive as possible.......

Bank Rate, 4 Per Cent.

New Consols (2f) were on Friday 91i.......