18 AUGUST 1917, Page 13


ITo THE EDITOS OF THE " SPECTATOR.") Sze,—As every one, with the probable exception of the Government, is aware, the potato crop is a good one. Ought not the abundance of potatoes to be used to economize flour? The present bread ration might well be reduced and a proportion of potatoes mixed in the flour, If this would not suit present Arrangements, the public should, at any rate, be urged to eat potatoes instead of bread at the mid-day meal, as is done in our household, with little hardship or inconvenience. I fear this matter will not receive attention unless some influential paper, like yours will take it up, and it is more than likely that too many potatoes will be used for making [We let slip the opportunity of building up a reserve of food earlier in the war, and the present occasion of a glut of potatoes certainly ought to be treated with more wisdom. "Potato cakes" cast be eaten as bread.—Es. Spectator.]