18 AUGUST 1917, page 3

It Is Important To Notice—as Mr. Asquith Reminded The House

on Monday—that the peace terms drafted by the Executive Committee of the Labour Party for last week's Conference accord in the main with the well-known views of the Allies, and......

The House Of Commons Adopted On Thursday Week The Principle

of the Alternative Vote, though only by a majority of one. The Alternative Vote applies when there are more than two candidates for one seat, and the successful candidate may......

Attendance At Continuation Schools Is To Be Made...

the Bill. Every boy or girl who had not attended school to the age of sixteen or matriculated at a University would have to attend a continuation school to the age of eighteen......

Mr. George Barnes, It Was Announced On Monday, Has Been

appointed a member of the War Cabinet, in place of Mr. Henderson. Mr. Barnes sat in the War Cabinet temporarily while his Labour colleague went on his mission to Russia, and is......

On Wednesday A Body Of American Troops, Carrying Their...

flag, marched through the WestEnd of London and were inspected by the King in front of Buckingham Palace. For the multitudes who welcomed them enthusiastically it was the most......

Mr. Gerard's Reminiscences Of His Experiences In Germany...

being published day by day in the Daily Telegraph have yielded many facts of great interest during the week. First of all let us mention that the strange story which we related......

The Late Mr. Gokhale, Well Remembered As An Indian...

left with his friend the Aga Khan a memorandum on Indian administrative reform, which was published in Wednesday's Times, Mr. Gokhale developed in this political testament the......

Mr. Neville Chamberlain Has Resigned His Office As...

of National Service, as every one expected. His new Department was created last December, but was stifled in its birth by the jealousies of the older Departments, especially the......

Tho Kaiser Went On To Say : " America Had

better look out after this war. I shall stand no nonsense from America after the war." There we have autocracy expressed in its most naked form. The All-Highest in a fury owes......

The French Socialist Party, In Reply To Questions From...

has defined its peace programme in very similar terms. All the invaded territories must be evacuated and compensated for their losses. Belgium and Luxemburg must be completely......

Mr. Herbert Fisher On Friday Week Introduced His...

in a very able and interesting speech. Though not directly a war measure, it would, he said, repair the wastage of war and help to solve the problems of child labour before......

Bank Rate, 5 Per Cent., Change(' From 54 Per Cent.

April 5th.......