18 DECEMBER 1909, Page 2

The Times of Wednesday publishes in full the grave charges

brought in the New York Times against Dr. Cook, the Polar explorer. The accusations are made by two men named Loose and Diankle, the former a retired ship's captain and the latter an insurance agent. They state on oath that they supplied Dr. Cook with a full set of fabricated observa- tions, in order that he might send them to the University of Copenhagen, which is investigating his pretension to have reached the North Pole. They frankly admit that they have a motive of revenge. Dr. Cook promised to pay them £800, as well as a bonus of £100. to Mr. Loose if the records were accepted by the University, but they received only £52 and then Dr. Cook vanished. In the course of the narrative Mr. Loose represents himself as having said: "Dtmkle, do you know what this means P" "What means ?" asked the other. "Our working out this stuff for Dr. Cook," said Mr. Loose. "What about it P " replied Mr. Dunkle. Whereupon Mr. Loose said : "Why it means that if the Copenhagen scientists pass the proofs we will be the real discoverers of the Pole." If the premisses are true, that conclusion is incontestable. The charges have been forwarded to Copenhagen, and the University will no doubt give them whatever attention they deserve.