18 FEBRUARY 1911, Page 13


[To Tam Emma or THE " SPRarrros."] Sin,—My attention has been called to the fact that a gentle man whose name I do not know has corrected an'error in a recent issue of the Spectator in connection with my name. The principles and arguments, not the names or connections, of those who are earnestly protesting against giving control of the Irish Executive to the present Nationalist Party seem to be the important matter. At the same time it may be as well to state that, while I hold my brother-in-law, Mr. Leverton Harris, in high respect as a sincere advocate of his own opinions, yet I do not approach this or other social and political questions from quite the same point of view as he does, and have been obliged to differ widely from him on some matters. Hence the mention of his name in connection with my letter published in the Times may leave a slightly erroneous impression of the provenance of the convictions which I tried in that letter to express on behalf of many social workers in Ireland.—I am, Sir, &c.,

P.S.—Perhaps I ought to say that my brother represented his own county in the Liberal interest before the introduction of Mr. Gladstone's first Home Rule Bill.