18 MARCH 1905, Page 14


Sia,—I have read with interest your article in your issue of March 11th under the above beading. I have no doubt that one argument that will be brought against any proposals on the lines you sketch out for our Indian reliefs will be the additional cost in transport. Would it not be possible and economical for the Government to adopt in its transport fleet the system of nucleus crews recently introduced in the Navy, and to let the troops that are being carried to and fro supply the rest of the crew ? If men were allowed six months' furlough every three or four years, as you suggest, on condition that they worked their passage out and back, such service would be, I think, not only tolerated but coveted ; and it would surely be no small advantage in the event of war to have a number of men in any regiment able to help in the working of any ship on which they chanced to find them- selves in presence of an enemy.—I am, Sir, &c.,