18 MARCH 1905, page 16

[to The Editor Or The "spectator."] Sir,—may I Venture...

your columns to ask those who possess letters of public interest from the late Duke of Cambridge to lend them to me for use in the " Life " of his Royal Highness which I am now......

The Total Subscriptions Received For The Cheap Cottages...

to March 16th amount to £890. The Garden City Company, which has saved the Exhibition much of the cost of organisa- tion, has now generously promised £100 to the Prize Fund. A......

Departure From Recorded History. "the Ancients," He Says,...

possible to have powerful dramas without calling in the motive of love. Is it impossible with us ?" This is a criticism with which I have great sympathy. But will you allow me......

Sir, — In Confirmation Of The Statement Made By A Corre-...

in your issue of March 4th that the plant called " brooklime " (Veronica Beccabunga) is not poisonous, but sometimes used as salad, it may be added that it is, or was in the......

[to The Editor Of The "spectator. "] Sir,—will You Let Rie

call attention to an act of vandalism at the hands of an urban authority which all protest by local people and public bodies interested in saving beautiful and historic England......