18 MARCH 1922, Page 2

Mr. Hughes last week informed the Italian Government that the

United States would not take part in the Genoa Con- ference. America had, he said, a deep interest in any conference that was likely to promote the economic recovery of Europe. But the resolutions adopted at Cannes and the proposed agenda for Genoa had convinced the American Government that the Conference would be political., rather than economic, in character. Matters that went to the root of the economic problem had been excluded from the programme. America was desirous of assisting the recovery of the economic life of Europe, but would not became involved, unnecessarily, in European polities. 'Mr. Hughes added that Russia could Trot begin to recover until "adequate action" had been taken by the Bolsheviks. He hinted politely, but firmly, that America was opposed to the creation of monopolist concessions in Russia by arrangement with Moscow, as Continental financiers desire.