18 MARCH 1922, page 20

Lloyd George By Mr. Punch.*

WE have dealt elsewhere with Mr. Lloyd George's position, and have noted how a man's political record is apt to come out when once he falls from power. A pleasant, and by no......

The Progress Of Language.* It Is Difficult To Do Justice

in a short space to Professor Jesper- sen's many qualities, chief among which we would place, not his erudition, vast as it is, but the lively imagination with which he plays......

Alarums And Excursions.t

LET me at once name the faults from which Mr. Agate's vigorous and agreeablebook of criticism suffers, and so have done with this unthankful part of my office. He has read a......

Incentives In Industry:*

Pr is commonly recognized by honed thinkers—as distinguished from fanatics and paid propagandists—that one of the funda- mental difficulties in the way of Socialism is......