18 MARCH 1922, Page 3

The Howe of Commons on Tuesday debated the Egyptian settlement

and approved of it by 202 votes to 70. It was charac- teristic of the Independent Liberals and Labour men who took part in the discussion that they minimized the extremely generous concessions made to Egypt and urged that Zaghlul Pasha, the most unscrupulous of agitators, should be allowed to return and resume his mischief-making. It is understood that Zaghlul Is a large holder of debentures in the Daily Herald, but the Labour Party ought not to be affected by such considerations as that. Mr. Chamberlain told the House that Zaghlul's record was bad and that he would remain in exile so long as he was a danger to peace and order in Egypt. Mr. Chamberlain admitted that the Milner Report was published prematurely. The Government, he said, had differed from Lord Allenby in thinking that we must retain guarantees while abolishing the Protec- torate, and Lord Allenby, on reflection, had accepted that view.