18 MARCH 1960, Page 31

Wine of the Week

lir was a French Rothschild who reorganised the Pales- tinian vineyards at the turn of the century, and it is surprising that few people here have ever come across the wines they grow there —except those of us who met Palestinian alicantes at Jewish festivals in orthodox house- holds, as I used to at my grandfather's forty years ago. Since independence, though, there has been something of a drive to put Israeli wines on the world market. There is a wide range of dessert wines, especially,--tokays, alicantes and musca- tels—available at from 7s. 6d. to 19s. a bottle, to be had from Kettners and from Edward Roche, both of Old Compton Street, Soho, among other wine merchants. There are fewer table -wines, but I liked the London-bottled Adorn Atic, which is described as a 'light burgundy,' and is perhaps more like a beaujolais--no heavier than a claret, and a shade less dry, and good with meat dishes. At 8s. 9d., it is about the same value for money as French wines of a similar price.