18 MARCH 1960, page 13

The Blies Y Ugoslav Service

H. Carleton Greene, Derick Mirfin What For? Lt.-Col. Patrick Lort-Phillips The D amnation of Faust Gabor Cossa IM m Un natural Childbirth Cecilia Chance, Greif(' Smith G irl on......

Sik,--the Spectator Is To Be Congratulated On Its Bold And

objective exposure of the state of affairs in the Yugoslav service of the BBC. For at least two years, fragments of disquieting evidence have been coming t° light of the......

What For ?

SIR,- - Mr. Christopher Hollis, in his admirable article 'What For?' quotes my letter to the Times of February 13, in which I said that the Cyprus Bases contain no airfields. I......

The Damnation Of Faust Sta.—if Journalistic...

anything at all, the wild flights of fancy of Mr. David , Cairns cannot go answered. He starts with 'mutilation': being only a natural- ised British subject may 1, humbly, quote......