18 NOVEMBER 1911, Page 18

By the close of Wednesday's sitting Part I. and Part

III. of the Bill had passed through. Committee. There was some discussion of Clause 86, which deals with the powers of inspectors under the Bill. Mr. Lloyd George's amendment was adopted safeguarding from inspection private dwelling- houses not being workshops. But this concession was not considered sufficient by some members, including Mr. Lana- bury, who protested against the "frightful inquisition" that might be set up. The announcement was also made on Wednesday that concessions are to be made to meet the complaints of the outworkers in Taunton and Yeovil, which are prejudicing the prospects of the Ministerial candidate for

South Somerset. It is understood that outworkers are to be excluded from the category of employed persons if they are the wives of insured persons and not wholly or mainly dependent upon their earnings as outworkers.