18 NOVEMBER 1911, page 29

[to Tee Editor 07 Thy "spectator."] Sir,—stat Nominis...

Balfour's leadership has already joined the authorship of " Junius' Letters" in the limbo of questions which no longer signify: "Gone glimmering through the dream of things that......

The Unionist Leadership.

[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR.") Stu,—Of the three possible successors to Mr. Balfour I per- sonally should have preferred Mr. Walter Long, but that is because I have the......

The Ancient Funds Of The Welsh Church.

[To TRY EDITOR Or TEX " SPECTLTOR."I SIR,—It is interesting to find that not all " Liberationists " are enthusiastic for the diversion of the meagre funds of the Welsh Church to......

[to Trh Editor Or Sir "spectator. "] Sir,—i Have No Desire

to carry on a controversy with an editor—especially a courteous and generous editor—in his own paper, but questions of fact are more easily dealt with than questions of opinion.......