19 APRIL 1879, Page 2

Cockermouth at least has given out no uncertain sound. Oa

Wednesday, the Liberal candidate, Mr. William Fletcher, was elected by a much more considerable majority than his pre• decessor in 1874. In 1874, the late Member, Mr. Isaae Fletcher, received 506 votes, against 388 given for the Conservative candidate. On Wednesday, the new Liberal Member, Mr. William Fletcher, received 557 votes,-51 votes more than his predecessor in 1874,—while Mr. Rapley, the Con- servative candidate, received only 366, or twenty-two less than his predecessor in 1874. In 1868, again, the Conservative can- didate received 388 votes, so that the majority on Wednesday (191) is over sixty per cent. more than it was in 1874, though not so large as it was in 1868, when the Liberal voters in Cockermouth numbered as many as 620.