19 APRIL 1879, page 2

Sir William Harcourt Also Made A Most Powerful Protest...

overriding or trying to override, in Eastern Roumelia, the principle to which the latest constituted nations, Greece, Italy, and Germany, owe their new birth. He attacked Lord......

Parliament Reassembled On Thursday, And, Of Course, Sir...

was " heckled " by Sir J. G-oldsmid about Egypt. Equally, of course, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, in his most smooth and conciliatory manner, refused to make any reply. The......

It Is Very Difficult To Doubt That Lord Lytton Has

decided on an advance to Cabul, although such an advance may not have actually begun. Sir S. Browne's force at Jellalabad has been strengthened by an additional Division, and he......

The Journals Devoted To Egyptian Bondholders Persist, We...

believing that the two Governments may act through the Sultan, and affirm that that course would be easy. They do not, however, explain how bondholders will be benefited by......

Cockermouth At Least Has Given Out No Uncertain Sound. Oa

Wednesday, the Liberal candidate, Mr. William Fletcher, was elected by a much more considerable majority than his pre• decessor in 1874. In 1874, the late Member, Mr. Isaae......

Mr. Blight's Speech At Birmingham, On Wednesday, Was...

enthusiasm, though it was an elaborate denun- ciation of the policy of the Government, which, from the Gulf of Venice, yid Cyprus, Egypt, and Asia Minor, up to Afghanistan, has......

A New Combination Has Been Arranged For The Government Of

Eastern Roumelia. The mixed occupation has been aban- doned, and Alexo Vogorides, a Bulgarian Greek, third son of the Prince of Samoa, and an experienced diplomatist, has been......

Sir Wilfrid Lawson Made A Very Sharp Attack On The

Govern- meat in his speech at Cockermouth on Monday. The plea fora scientific frontier, he said, was a plea for robbery, neither sore nor less. The first well-known ruler who......