19 APRIL 1902, Page 2

Major Waller, the American officer said to have killed so

many men in the Philippines, has been acquitted ; but President Roosevelt has forwarded thither a very strongly worded Order to General Chaffee directing him to bring General Smith and other officers to trial, and to make the fullest investigation into every charge of cruelty. Officers guilty of such conduct are not to be shielded for any reason.

For the very reason that the President intends to back up the Army in the heartiest fashion in every lawful and legiti- mate method of doing its work, he also intends to see the most rigorous care exercised to detect and prevent any cruelty or brutality, and the men who are guilty punished.' That is the line of action we should expect from President Roosevelt; and it is not only the morally right but also the wise one. Nothing makes resistance so deadly as the certainty of injustice if you submit. It is like the order to give no quarter, which makes even the wounded fight.