19 APRIL 1902, page 3

The Imperative Need That Exists For Using Richmond Park As

a manoeuvring -ground for Volunteers was illustrated in a most marked way on the afternoon of Saturday' last. On that day Colonel Fludyer (Scots Guards), who com- mands the 3rd......

New York Has Lost One Of Her Celebrated Preachers In

Dr, De Witt Talmage, who died on Sunday at Washington. He was a kind of Spurgeon, with all Spurgeon's power of attracting great congregations, but without Spurgeon's humour and......

Can We Wonder That A Kindly War Minister Hesitated To

print this despatch. You have only to substitute the name of General Buller for that of General Warren in the first portion of the passage we have quoted to produce the verdict......

The Spion Kop Despatches Were Issued On Thursday. They Are

not quite so sensational as many people expected, but certain of the unpublished portions of despatches which were previously printed in part will be read with considerable......

University. College, London, Has Lamed An Appeal For...

aid of higher education and research. The authorities ask for (a) £250,000 for completing the College buildings; (b) an annual income of £6,000 a year, or a capital sum of......

The Government Have Decided To Place Certain Counties In...

under Sections 2, 3, and 4 of the Criminal Law Pro- cedure Act (Ireland). People sometimes talk as if this were akin to handing over large parts of the United Kingdom to martial......

In The House Of Commons On Thursday Mr. Arthur Lee,

who on all questions affecting the interests of any part of the armed forces of the nation shows as much keenness and vigilance as ability, asked a series of questions in regard......

Bank Rate, 3 Per Cent.

New Coultas (21) were on Friday 944.......